H17 Postponed

It is with great sadness that I share the news that, as most of you have already suspected, Higgyball17 is postponed indefinitely. “I WANT MY H17” never sounded more accurate. Rest assured that your organizers and Council members have been in regular contact and are committed to hosting the event as soon as we feel that we can hold a mass gathering safely. Higgyball17 will continue to circle in a holding pattern until such a time becomes practical. We here at H17 headquarters will continue to keep you informed as new information becomes available. In the meantime, keep up your chops at home in the event that there is…an event.

We would like to wish all of our participants, spectators, and their families a safe spring and summer and hope to see you all again soon. Stay healthy and don’t drink bleach!


Your friendly neighborhood Higgyball Council

Higgyball17: Save the Date

Football season’s end can mean only one thing. ONE. THING. No more. No less. Sunshine and bocce season are right around the corner. Wait. Is that two things or just one combined?

Behind the scenes, your friendly, neighborhood, Higgyball Council has been preparing tirelessly to bring you the same fun and surprises you’ve come to expect. Higgyball17 will be held on Saturday, May 23rd with a rain day on the 24th at our usual location, the fabulous Tincher-Mann estate on King Rd.

Stay tuned as Many more Higgyball-related details unfold in the coming weeks.


Higgyball 20

Saturday, May 25, 2024

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