Higgyball 16 Save the Date

Even though the groundhog is a filthy liar, warm weather is right around the corner, which means it’s almost time for Higgyball 16! This year’s event will be on Saturday, May 25, 2019 (with a rain backup date on the next day) at our usual location, the fabulous Tincher-Mann estate on King Rd. Please know that your industrious High Council has been meeting in earnest to make the event as fun as ever!

Write a caption for this photo in the comments on the website, and the winner gets a prize. Many more Higgyball-related details will be forthcoming in the next several weeks.

In the meantime, some local polar bears decided to play some “Snocce” (snow bocce). Try it out during the next snowfall, and let us know the results.


Higgyball 20

Saturday, May 25, 2024

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