Final Higgyball Prep

Higgyball11 is May 24, 2014 at 11:00am SHARP. If you team is not yet registered, add yourself to the waiting list. (My apologies, I had the Waiting List locked until just this moment)

Here’s a map to the location for you noobs out there:

Also, the weather is looking nice for Saturday. Don’t forget your sunscreen!

Finally, don’t forget to claim something on the Food Registry or make a Fireworks Donation below. Every little bit counts!

Higgyball11 Fireworks Donation Fund

The fireworks show last year was well-received, but fireworks are expensive, so we thought we’d hold out our hats to soften the blow a bit this year. We meant to get this up sooner, but we forgot! If you’d like to donate any amount to the fireworks extraveganza for this year’s Higgyball, hit the Donate button below. You can pay with credit card or via PayPal (for credit card, click “Continue” in the “Don’t have a PayPal account?” section).


H11 Team Registration

Use the form below to register your team for Higgyball11! Once all of the spots fill up, there will be a topic in the forum for the wait list.

View the list of registered teams here. Note: Mark will manually update the list of teams when the payments come in. Be patient!

Registration is now closed! Please add your team name and participants to a forum post here to get on the waiting list. Don’t worry! Teams inevitably drop out for various reasons, so you have a good chance to play, but you need to make sure you’re on the waiting list and arrive at the event on time.

Don’t forget to buy a T-shirt and sign up on the food registry!

Reminder about sign-ups; new map

Just a friendly reminder that sign-ups will begin this Sunday, May 4, 2014 at 12:00pm. Come back here then to sign up your team for Higgyba11.


Also, in order to expedite the proceedings, we’ve carved up the green space into even more playing fields this year. Check out the new layout below:


While you’re here, don’t forget to visit the Food Registry to register to bring something as well.


Higgyball 20

Saturday, May 25, 2024

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