Higgy Beer?!

Master brewers Matt Aerni and Egon Kraan will bring a new surprise to the Higgyball menu this May – Higgyball beer! Ten gallons of refreshing ESB (Extra Special Bitter) are currently fermenting in preparation for kegging and drinking.

We’ve come up with some clever names, but we’d love to get some ideas from you. The winning name will be used on this year’s Higgyball T-shirt which will feature the Higgyball beer label! Please visit the forum to place your entry.


quite a trio!

Higgyball ’11

Information for Higgyball8 (to be held on May 28, 2011) will be coming soon. Keep checking your email or this space for more details.


Higgyball 20

Saturday, May 25, 2024

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Currently: 19 sets. Thanks everyone!


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