This is it!

We made it! The day is finally here, the weather looks like it may cooperate, and we have a ton of eager people ready to play some bocce. Remember to have fun, drink a lot, and take lots of pictures. See you on the other side.

Team Registration, Food Registry

Team Registration is now open! Register using the link at the right if you haven’t already, and then visit the Forum page. View the Team Registration forum and make a reply to the thread with your team name and two participants. Please do check the thread to see if your partner has signed up already, and also to get a feel for the clever team names this year. Act fast: there are only 24 spots for teams, and they are filling up quickly. Note – there is a $5 entry fee per team. This entry fee goes to cover all of the behind-the-scenes costs the Higgyball High Council incurs to make this event happen each year. Fees will be collected during sign-ups prior to the start of the event on the 23rd. Also, donations will be accepted for our hosts. BE HONEST, YOU FLUSHED THAT TOILET A LOT!

There is also now a Food Registry open for business. While Higgyball ’09 is BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage), we do ask that you bring some food items to share. Use the Food Registry page to offer to bring various items to Higgyball ’09.

Finally, our gracious hosts ask that we help with yard prep before the event, and cleanup afterward. Since the party is in a mere 10 days, they’re looking for help this coming weekend and the Friday before, as well as cleanup the Sunday after. The prep will consist of: rolling the yard, mowing, painting the grass, weeding, cleaning the deck, placing trash cans, setting up the tents, filling/treating the hot tub, etc. etc. etc. Clean-up will consist of more of the same, with the addition of cleaning up trash and returning all the crap people left behind! Please contact Marc or Danielle if you can help.

Only 10 days left! Get hungry!

Higgyball ’09


We are pleased to announce the 6th Annual Higgyball Memorial Bocce Ball Tournament! To be held on Saturday, May 23, 2009 at the Tincher-Mann residence, this year’s Higgyball should be better than ever. Higgyball Online will be your one-stop-shop for the details for this year’s tournament, including discussion forum, rules, team registration (coming in March), and tournament bracket. We’ve also got some surprises that I think you’ll like. In the meantime, pay attention to the countdown clock located in the top left of this page, and click the above image to download a Desktop Wallpaper for this year’s logo. Stay tuned to for more updates!

Below you can use Google Maps to get directions to Higgyball ’09:


Higgyball 20

Saturday, May 25, 2024

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