Reminders, Registration, Merch, & Maps

Here’s a quick reminder that Higgyball registration is happening this Sunday (4/28) at 12:00pm! Visit to make sure you can access your account so that you are not delayed, as spots often fill up quickly. A link to the registration page will be sent right at noon, and then you can follow along at the Bracket page (some teams are already there because they were in the Final Four last year). If you don’t yet have a partner, please use the Free Agent list. When all spots are filled, we’ll open the Wait List. For those that sign up on Sunday, please remember to pledge your balls to Higgyball, as we need several sets of bocce balls to be able to run all fields at once. Also, you’ll have a chance to add a music request during registration.

While you’re here, visit the Higgyball merch store to get some H20 swag! This year’s collection is full of variety in both product, and design. Once again, we’ll be using Zazzle as our supplier. They will ship directly to you, and in many cases, you will have the option to customize your product by brand, material, and color! Make sure to take advantage of the discount codes, and double check your shipping before checkout.

If you’re new to Higgyball, you’ll probably need to know how to get there. Here’s the address: 7650 King Rd. Oxford, OH 45056. Keep an eye on the weather, and start planning now to make sure you don’t forget anything. Reminder that Higgyball20 is on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 11:00am (sharp!) with a rain backup date of Sunday, May 26. See you out there!

Higgyball20: Save the Date / Registration

The historic, momentous, and eagerly anticipated Higgyball20 is right around the corner, and will be held on Saturday, May 25, at 11:00 in the AM.

Higgyball20 sign-ups will take place on Sunday, April 28 at 12:00PM (noon) at

Higgyball bocce is played with teams of two, so now is the time to make arrangements with a partner if you haven’t yet. If you can’t find a partner, a “free agent” list will be provided for you. Each team will be charged an entry fee of $10 during the online sign-up process.

Slots will be allotted for 32 teams. 1st – 4th place from Higgyball19 will be provided automatic entry, but still need to sign up! Don’t wait until the last second, as slots fill quickly. A wait list will be opened if all 32 spots are taken.

Expect more info in the days and weeks to come, including updates on gear, maps, registries, etc. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me at

Bad Swag, Good Registration

Unfortunately, it appears that someone at Zazzle has decided that this year’s cow logo is potentially in conflict with their trademark/copyright policies, and have pulled all of the Horrorshow (cow) products from Higgyball_Dry_Goods. That being said, I successfully ordered (and received) 3 cow stickers when the products originally went live, so there is a chance that you may have beat the system before the fun police showed up. More likely, your order was rejected and cancelled. If this is the case, Zazzle will refund you directly if, in fact, your were ever charged at all.

New, replacement items have been published and should go live by Tuesday, 5/2. Please visit Higgyball_Dry_Goods and take another swing at it. I apologize personally for the inconvenience.

On a positive note, yesterday’s registration was wildly successful. 29/32 Spots have already been filled! If you know anyone who has shown interest in joining us, I encourage you to let them know that we only have three spots left. See you soon!

Higgyball19: Save the Date / Registration

It’s coming! Save the date. Higgyball19 will be held on Saturday, May 27 at 11:00 in the AM.

Higgyball19 sign-ups will take place on Sunday, April 30th at 12:00PM (noon) at

Higgyball bocce is played with teams of two, so now is the time to make arrangements with a partner if you haven’t yet. If you can’t find a partner, a “free agent” list will be provided for you. Each team will be charged an entry fee of $10 during the online sign-up process.

Slots will be allotted for 32 teams. 1st – 4th place from Higgyball18 will be provided automatic entry, but still need to sign up! Don’t wait until the last second, as slots fill quickly. A wait list will be opened if all 32 spots are taken.

Expect more info in the weeks to come, including updates on shirts, maps, registries, etc. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me at

Higgyball_Dry_Goods: Open for Business

Don’t forget to visit our new swag store supported by Zazzle: Higgyball_Dry_Goods. Aside from shirts – which are customizable by color, size, brand, style, and material – we’re also offering a number of other products like glassware, stickers, and coozies. So far, customers have been very pleased with the products!

Proceeds from all purchases will be donated to the Red Cross in support of the Ukrainian Humanitarian Crisis. There may be a surprise raffle for buyers if we are able to raise enough. So, stay tuned as your name will be entered for each item purchased.

Hit the link to check out the magnificent merch, and score some sweet deals by clicking the discount links.

Tip: double check your shipping preference before placing your order. Thank me later.

H18 Registration Sunday, May 1

Higgyball18 sign-ups will take place on Sunday, May 1st at 12:00PM (noon) at The tournament will be held at 11:00 AM, Saturday, May 28.

Higgyball bocce is played with teams of two, so now is the time to make arrangements with a partner if you haven’t yet. If you can’t find a partner, a “free agent” list will be provided for you. Each team will be charged an entry fee of $10 during the online sign-up process.

Slots will be allotted for 32 teams. 1st – 4th place from Higgyball17 will be provided automatic entry, but still need to sign up! Don’t wait until the last second, as slots fill quickly. A wait list will be opened if all 32 spots are taken.

Expect more info in the weeks to come, including updates on shirts, maps, registries, etc. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me at

Happy Summer / The Wait Is Over

Happy summer, all! I hope this message finds everyone enjoying the season, and returning to a sense of normalcy. With that, it is my great pleasure to officially announce the return of Higgyball17!

The reboot will once again be hosted by the ever-so-courteous Tincher/Mann duo at their lovely estate (7650 King Rd. Oxford, OH 45056) on Saturday, September 4, at 11:00AM. In the unfortunate case of a rain out, the tournament be held the following day (9/5) at the same time.

Higgyball17 sign-ups will take place on Sunday, August 1st at 12:00PM (noon) at Higgyball bocce is played with teams of two, so now is the time to make arrangements with a partner if you haven’t yet. If you can’t find a partner, a “free agent” list will be provided for you. Each team will be charged an entry fee of $10 during the online sign-up process.

Slots will be allotted for 32 teams. 1st – 4th place from Higgyball16 will be provided automatic entry, but still need to sign up! Don’t wait until the last second, as slots fill quickly. A wait list will be opened if all 32 spots get taken.

Expect more info in the weeks to come, including updates on shirts, maps, registries, etc. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me at

Almost There

…but not quite.

Your friendly neighborhood Higgyball Council continues to be committed to the safety of our Higgy-family. And, while many of us are taking measures to protect ourselves, there are still members of our community that need our protection. Namely, our kids.

There is some good news, however. According to the powers that be, children’s trials are already in progress and vaccines for our mini-ballers COULD be expected as early as this summer.

At this point I think we can roughly forecast a Labor Day tournament on Saturday, Sept 4, 2021. So, take the opportunity to get with/find your/a partner and start training. Rest assured that your Higgyball Council members are communicating, and that you can expect more updates and details as we continue to make progress regarding safety measures.

H17 is so close I can smell the sausage. On behalf of the fellas, we look forward to seeing you all on the field very soon.

H17 Postponed

It is with great sadness that I share the news that, as most of you have already suspected, Higgyball17 is postponed indefinitely. “I WANT MY H17” never sounded more accurate. Rest assured that your organizers and Council members have been in regular contact and are committed to hosting the event as soon as we feel that we can hold a mass gathering safely. Higgyball17 will continue to circle in a holding pattern until such a time becomes practical. We here at H17 headquarters will continue to keep you informed as new information becomes available. In the meantime, keep up your chops at home in the event that there is…an event.

We would like to wish all of our participants, spectators, and their families a safe spring and summer and hope to see you all again soon. Stay healthy and don’t drink bleach!


Your friendly neighborhood Higgyball Council

Higgyball17: Save the Date

Football season’s end can mean only one thing. ONE. THING. No more. No less. Sunshine and bocce season are right around the corner. Wait. Is that two things or just one combined?

Behind the scenes, your friendly, neighborhood, Higgyball Council has been preparing tirelessly to bring you the same fun and surprises you’ve come to expect. Higgyball17 will be held on Saturday, May 23rd with a rain day on the 24th at our usual location, the fabulous Tincher-Mann estate on King Rd.

Stay tuned as Many more Higgyball-related details unfold in the coming weeks.


Higgyball 20

Saturday, May 25, 2024

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