Higgyball ’11 Registration [Update]

Tomorrow, Sunday, May 1, 2011, Higgyball registration will open. There will be a new category in the forum named “Higgyball Registration”, where each team will enter their team name and two team members. Registration will open at 12:00pm noon, and will continue until full. When full, a second category will open to create a waitlist, which we will draw from in the event that a registered team has to back out. Check this space tomorrow for more info!

The food registry will open tomorrow as well. This is just like a standard wedding gift registry, except the things in the list are food items to bring. Pretty simple.

The Team Registration forum is now live. You must have a team name with two team members to be counted. Click here to sign up. Enter the “Register Here!” forum, and then reply to post with your information. When full, a new Waitlist forum will open up.
Also, the Food Registry is now open as well.

*Update 2*
Team registration is now full. Please add your team to the waiting list in the forum.