Only 2 Days Left!

Can you believe it? Only two days left until Bocce Non-denominational Holiday! The bracket has been updated yet again; view that here. We may have one or two more changes if teams have to drop out, so be sure to get on that waiting list. Also, we’re doing great with the food registry, but if you haven’t offered to bring something yet, please do so. Finally, Paddy may be able to order another round of Jolly Roger shirts. Please see him at the event to get on the list.

Final prep: Cost per team is $10 ($5 per participant), so bring some cash with you. Be sure to bring your own lawn chairs and sun screen, as well as your own beverages if the ones on the Food Registry don’t suit you. Don’t forget the rules! There are some differences this year, so read carefully. And in case you don’t know, here is the location of Higgyball:

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See you on the field!