Higgyball18 sign-ups will take place on Sunday, May 1st at 12:00PM (noon) at www.higgyball.com. The tournament will be held at 11:00 AM, Saturday, May 28.
Higgyball bocce is played with teams of two, so now is the time to make arrangements with a partner if you haven’t yet. If you can’t find a partner, a “free agent” list will be provided for you. Each team will be charged an entry fee of $10 during the online sign-up process.
Slots will be allotted for 32 teams. 1st – 4th place from Higgyball17 will be provided automatic entry, but still need to sign up! Don’t wait until the last second, as slots fill quickly. A wait list will be opened if all 32 spots are taken.
Expect more info in the weeks to come, including updates on shirts, maps, registries, etc. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me at patrickalytle@gmail.com.