Brand New Bracket!

The bracket has been released, unveiling the divisional matchups for this year’s Higgyball. Take a look at who you’re playing this year. You may notice we opened the bracket to the four teams (at the time) on the Wait List as well, for a grand total of 28 teams this year, bigger than ever! More teams means an even more exclusive playoff tournament, with only the top three from each division advancing, so ramp up your training. Only 11 days remaining!

We’ve also updated the rules page explaining some of the changes to the format. Also, a few items remain to be claimed on the Food Registry as well.

Due to the increased team pool, we’ll be starting Higgyball ’10 an hour earlier than in years past. 11:00 a.m. is the official start time, so try to be there early to get started on time. Just 10 shorts days remaining!